Green Temple
We care for creation and all God's gifts

We respond to God's love in Christ through the way we live our lives. The calling of the Methodist Church is to support you in this. In the Methodist church, there are 12 practices that we think particularly help us to encounter God. We call this A Methodist Way of Life. Each practice is a station on the journey where we meet God and grow in faith. These include Serve (we will help people in our communities and beyond), Live (we live in a way that draws people to Jesus), Open (we practise hospitality and generosity), Learn (we learn more about our faith).

At the Temple annual general meeting in September 2023, we decided to concentrate on flourish - we care for creation and all God's gifts, as an area of learning and growth. As Christians, we believe that God doesn’t just promise life, but life in all its fullness. We want all of God’s created Kingdom not just to survive but to flourish. God created not just humans, but every animal and plant. It’s only by recognising that we are part of creation and caring for the world around us that all creation can flourish. As with the other practices of a Methodist Way of Life it is expected that our path to caring for God's creation permeates all aspects of church life, from worship to energy and resource use to everyday things we can all do to help.

The importance of caring for our environment, the natural world, and our use of world resources has been a growing concern around the world. Many international organisations are calling for decisive and immediate action to avert a global catastrophe. In particular the accelerating effects of global warming caused by human activity have already caused devastation and suffering on an unprecedented scale, with communities and habitats being pushed beyond their limits. Taking action is likely to come with an individual cost, but the cost to the future of our world in doing nothing is immeasurable. God has made us responsible for this world we live in and we need to live up to the trust God has put in us.

One route to follow is the Eco Church project run by the charity A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchurches Trust Limited. This provides a framework for assessing our environmental impact, resources for help with improving, practical goals and targets, and rewards for achievements. This can help us to make a comparable assessment, monitor our progress, and encourage us to continue improving.

What's happening at Temple

Green Update

Things that you can do to make a difference: 

The next round of talks on the UN Global Plastic Treaty take place between 23rd & 29th April 2024 in Ottawa, Canada.

Write to your local MP. Ask them to push for a strong UN Global Plastics Treaty.

Sign up to Tear Fund’s Rubbish Campaign and sign the petition to call for a strong UN Global Plastics Treaty. 

Pray for a fair and just outcome to the talks.

Did you know? A recent study by Zero Waste Europe found that reusable packaging is cheaper for consumers in the long run, with reusable takeaway food containers and coffee cups the most cost effective. Meanwhile, it’s predicted that the cost of single-use plastic packaging will increase.

In the kitchen

Did you know? UK shoppers are now throwing away a shocking two billion pieces of plastic a week – most of which comes from food and drink packaging. 

Use your power as a shopper to influence the supermarkets by choosing unwrapped fruit and veg.

Reduce: Order a veg box from a local farm. Enjoy seasonal, low carbon produce whilst supporting your local growers. 

Refill: Find your closest zero-waste shop and start buying staples like rice, pasta and pulses in refillable containers.

Reuse: Use old jars to store food, pop a plate over your bowl of leftovers rather than cling-film, and cut up old clothes to use as dishcloths

In the bathroom

Did you know? 6% of marine plastic ends up in the ocean via the loo. Remember to only flush the three Ps – pee, poo and paper – to avoid your toilet becoming a funnel for ocean pollution

Did you know? The average household uses a whopping 216 plastic hair care bottles every year. 

Reduce: Swap bottles for bars. 

Reduce: Swap liquid shampoo, conditioner, hand wash and shower gel for a plastic-free bar next time you’re in the supermarket.

Refill: Lots of places offer refill schemes for products like shampoo and conditioner. 

Reuse: Buy reusable nappies, makeup pads and period products that can be washed and reused again and again – saving you money over time. 

Reduce: Buy recycled loo roll, bamboo toothbrushes and eco bathroom cleaning products. Available in many supermarkets.


Did you know? In the UK, 2.5 billion coffee cups are thrown away every year. That’s enough to stretch around the world roughly five and a half times, yet just 0.25% are recycled. What’s more, in the UK, our ‘lunch on the go’ habit generates 11 billion items of packaging waste a year, amounting to 276 items per person.

Reduce: On-the-go products are rife with single-use plastic, but making simple swaps can drastically cut your plastic footprint and your outgoings

Reuse: Pack a reuse kit: e.g. reusable water bottles, coffee cups and shopping bags. These three items will save single-use plastic and work out cheaper in the long run. 

Reduce: Bring a packed lunch to reduce plastic and save money when eating on-the-go. 

Reuse: Use old takeaway boxes, empty glass jars or used food tubs to store your leftovers or homemade sandwich.

What's happening in our circuit

Some simple things to try

at church ...

at home ...