Green Temple
We care for creation and all God's gifts

We respond to God's love in Christ through the way we live our lives. The calling of the Methodist Church is to support you in this. In the Methodist church, there are 12 practices that we think particularly help us to encounter God. We call this A Methodist Way of Life. Each practice is a station on the journey where we meet God and grow in faith. These include Serve (we will help people in our communities and beyond), Live (we live in a way that draws people to Jesus), Open (we practise hospitality and generosity), Learn (we learn more about our faith).

At the Temple annual general meeting in September 2023, we decided to concentrate on flourish - we care for creation and all God's gifts, as an area of learning and growth. As Christians, we believe that God doesn’t just promise life, but life in all its fullness. We want all of God’s created Kingdom not just to survive but to flourish. God created not just humans, but every animal and plant. It’s only by recognising that we are part of creation and caring for the world around us that all creation can flourish. As with the other practices of a Methodist Way of Life it is expected that our path to caring for God's creation permeates all aspects of church life, from worship to energy and resource use to everyday things we can all do to help.

The importance of caring for our environment, the natural world, and our use of world resources has been a growing concern around the world. Many international organisations are calling for decisive and immediate action to avert a global catastrophe. In particular the accelerating effects of global warming caused by human activity have already caused devastation and suffering on an unprecedented scale, with communities and habitats being pushed beyond their limits. Taking action is likely to come with an individual cost, but the cost to the future of our world in doing nothing is immeasurable. God has made us responsible for this world we live in and we need to live up to the trust God has put in us.

One route to follow is the Eco Church project run by the charity A Rocha UK in partnership with Christian Aid, The Church of England, The Methodist Church, Tearfund, The United Reformed Church and Allchurches Trust Limited. This provides a framework for assessing our environmental impact, resources for help with improving, practical goals and targets, and rewards for achievements. This can help us to make a comparable assessment, monitor our progress, and encourage us to continue improving.

What's happening at Temple

What's happening in our circuit

Some simple things to try

at church ...

at home ...