
Notices for the week beginning
21st July 

For further information about any of the items below, please email

Third Sunday of the month, followed by Iona style breakfast in the Hall.
Each Sunday, taken by one of our other circuit worship leaders. Link here.
Every Sunday, with Holy Communion every first Sunday of the month.
CAKE & CONVERSATION at 5:00 pm in the hall:
Every second  Sunday of the month.
ZOOM WORSHIP at 6.30pm:
On a Sunday twice monthly. Contact for details on joining in.

Tuesdays at 2:00pm in the hall.
At 7.30pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month. Contact for details on joining in.
At 7.30pm 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month. Contact for details on joining in.
In the Chapel at 9:30am every 1st Wednesday of the month
and 7:30pm every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Every Wednesday at 10:30am.
Next on Wednesday 24th July. This weeks crafts.
Every Wednesday at 12:15pm in the chapel followed by a light lunch.
Next on Wednesday 24th July, led by Merlyn Brown.
Normally on the third Wednesday of the month 1:00pm in the hall.
Meetings take place on third Thursday of each month at 2:30pm in the hall.
Meetings will resume in September after the summer break.


CHURCH NOTICES: The weekly notice sheet will continue to be produced and sent to anyone who would like a copy by email, as will the monthly Circuit Link magazine.  If you would like to be added to the mailing list or have items to be included, please contact Anne or Hazel Jordan.
CIRCUIT LINK: The monthly Circuit Link magazine will also continue to be produced and sent to anyone who would like a copy by email.  If you have items for the next magazine or would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Janet Dickinson.
PASTORAL TEAMS:  While we are unable to meet in person a new telephone contact list has been drawn up and circulated to keep us in touch.  Please contact Anne Jordan for more information.
HOME COMMUNION: For anyone who would wish to receive home communion please contact Anne Jordan or Rev. Deborah Kirk.
PRAYER GROUP: If you would like to be part of the group, please let Hazel Jordan have your email address to add to the group. When a prayer request comes in, it will be forwarded to the group for a prayer response.

CIRCUIT ADMINISTRATOR: Natalie Knight can be contacted at
CHURCH FAMILY NEWS: Please note that although we cannot put personal details on the website, Church Family News can be found in the Notices distributed via email. If you wish to be added to the email list please contact Hazel Jordan.

FACEBOOK: You can follow us on facebook
YOUTUBE: Livestream services and previously streamed services can be found on our Youtube Channel
TAUNTON URC MONTHLY CHURCH MAGAZINE: A copy of the monthly URC magazine can be found here.
RESOURCES FOR HOME WORSHIP: See our This Week's Services , Prayer Page , and Home Worship pages


Reduce your flood risk
Across the UK 1.9 million people currently live in areas of significant flooding. This number could double as early as the 2050s. Make a difference and avoid paving over gardens. Instead, replace hard surfaces with grass and plants.

FAMILY ACTIVITY AFTERNOON on Saturday 3rd August, 2.30-5pm. Children with accompanying adults will be welcome for crafts, activities, fun & refreshments! It would be helpful for our preparations to know numbers, so please let us know you are coming by contacting Deborah or Joanna.

CREAM TEA: All church members are welcome to a cream tea on Saturday 10th August from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.  Contact Anne Broadley for details.

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - to which everyone connected to the church is invited and welcome - is now Saturday 7th September, 10 for 10.30am. 

MONTHLY VIGILS FOR PEACE: Taunton Quakers extend an invitation to all people of faith and none to stand in silence on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 12.00 to 12.45 pm near the Tourist Information Office, to witness to our commitment to seek peace in the world.  

PRAYER 45: The 1st Wednesday of the month at 9.30am, and the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, which may take the form of Compline. These times will be open to anyone and will initially be led by Deborah - (in time, those who come may like to lead). The time will be about 45 minutes, but you are free to come for as long or short a time as you are able, and if you come once, you will not be expected to come every time. During the time together we shall reflect on a portion or verse of scripture, then spend some time in prayer, silent or spoken. 

ORGANISTS: Does anybody know of any organist who might like to play at Temple for our Sunday worship services? I'm trying to uncover some new players who might like to play, either regularly or on an occasional basis. Fees and level of commitment negotiable. Please contact Kevin Rigg. Thank you, Kevin

TRANSPORT: We realise many people can no longer get to church easily but often feel they do not want to ask for lifts. Is there someone in the congregation who would be willing to coordinate, able and willing drivers to be available to give people lifts to church? If so, or you are willing to give lifts, please contact Anne Jordan.

TAUNTON FOODBANK APPEAL: Stocks are at their lowest for 7 years and over the last few months we have given out over a tonne and a half more food than has been donated. Please check the website . to find out what food is needed. 

BIBLE MONTH: During June and July, the TDSS Circuit is going to be engaging with the ‘Bible Month’ resources produced by the Methodist Church. The Local Preachers’ Meeting agreed that preachers planned during the Sundays of July will follow the weekly themes offered in the resource booklet. 

Week 1 – 7th July:    The Sovereign God who Creates (Chapters 1-11)
Week 2 – 14th July: The God who Calls and Blesses (Chapters 12-25)
Week 3 – 21st July: The God who Comes to People in their Struggles (Chapters 25-36)
Week 4 – 28th July: The God who Confirms and Safeguards Divine Promises (Chapters 37-50)

So that we can make the most of the invitation to engage with this important Biblical book, we are also offering Bible Studies during June to reflect more fully on the four themes through informal conversation. Rev Stuart Innalls has offered to lead on Wednesday evenings in the north of the Circuit – in Bridgwater Church House, and Rev Deborah Kirk will lead on Monday evenings in the south – in Temple Methodist Church. If you miss one in your area, you may like to travel to the other. We look forward to seeing you.

Mondays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th JUNE Temple Methodist Church at 7:30pm
Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th JUNE Bridgwater Church House at 7:30pm

In his letter in the May issue, Rev Dr Dan Haylett outlined anticipated changes to our District: “At our recent Synod we took the decision to amalgamate with the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly District, from September 2024. With the Cornwall Synod also approving, this now will be going to Methodist Council for recommendation to the annual Conference in June. It looks likely 35 therefore that our District will become part of the South West Peninsula District from 1st September 2024, and we will be finding ways to mark the faithful witness and service expressed within the Plymouth and Exeter District since 1957.”
Also included is an article by Rev Rob Blackhall [who will be leading the Church Anniversary at Temple in June] about the Torridge Circuit Holy Week Gospel Reading. At 7.30am, they “started reading Matthew's Gospel and concluded with John, ending at 6.30pm. Eleven hours of listening to the Gospels. Eleven Hours of reading the Gospels. At the end we celebrated Holy Communion together… We were struck by the mixture of styles in the Gospel and between them… Someone noted that they heard things that were very similar - that is the way the Gospels are, particularly Matthew, Mark and Luke. It was then very noticeable that the style and content of John are so very different.” Maybe Rev Rob will tell us more…?
You can also read about tremendous changes embraced by Madworthy Methodist Church (mid Devon) to further their vision to create a Rural Christian Centre 

And much more…

Follow this link for more information about the Newsletter and visit the PEMD website

From Methodist News

THE METHODIST CHURCH WINS BIG AT RHS FLOWER SHOW: The first garden to be sponsored by the Methodist Church at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park, has won a gold medal, the Environmental Innovation Award and Best In Show. ‘This Garden Isn’t Finished Without You’, was designed by Ollie Pike from Pike Studio and the Methodist Church. It largely focuses on sustainability and climate resilience to match the Methodist Church’s ambitious aims. “It is a great privilege to get a gold medal. And the collaboration between the Methodist Church and everyone involved has paid off. To create a beautiful and sustainable garden that has involved the local Methodist community has been amazing. The RHS is recognising that we have pushed the boundaries of sustainability in show gardens and gardens as a whole, in aiming to achieve Net Zero by 2030.” Read more about it here

REVIVING SOUTHFIELD CHAPEL: Southfield Chapel has reinvented itself to overcome financial struggles and dwindling attendance. This semi-rural chapel, with a rich history, has adapted to changing times by shifting its services and embracing community engagement. Discover more here.

From Methodist Publishing ...

New Products
'The Connexion' - Open Air Faith, in the Spring Issue of the connexion, we hear from people who are experiencing God’s love as a result of local churches taking their activities outside of their buildings.
'We have Voices' - Praying together for peace, justice and change. A book of prayers for peace and justice for anyone leading public worship, collective or group prayers, services and reflections, by Barbara Glasson.
'Let Justice Roll' - This Easter Offering 2024 service tells stories of people standing for justice, persisting in the face of setbacks and taking up the challenge anew as circumstances change. Some stories show how people now have hope because justice has ‘rolled’ into their lives.
'Finding Nana' - An MHA Special Places book. Finding Nana is a beautifully illustrated, fictional story following Ellie and Jack as they discover what happens when Nana moves into a very special Care Home.
A Methodist Way of Life Pocket Guide - Order here
Conversations Against Mundanity - A game to encourage conversations that get a little more real. A good conversation can unlock parts of us that little else can. There’s nothing wrong with chatting about the everyday – it’s what fills most of our lives after all – but those don’t tend to be the conversations we remember. 

Connexional Year 2023/2024 resources
Essential resources in the Methodist Church to fulfil Our Calling of responding to God’s love in Christ and living out its discipleship in worship and mission.

METHODIST PRAYER HANDBOOK: The theme for the 2023/2024 Prayer Handbook is ‘The Greatest Commandment’: Matthew 22:37-39. Further inspiration for the prayers comes from Acts 2.
Imagine the Church filled with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and completely dependent on the sovereign work of God. Imagine the Church filled with people wholly focused on loving God, loving our neighbours and loving of ourselves.
This year's Prayer Handbook contains prayers calling for the Methodist Church to be the Church that God desires; and that explore how we should live out Our Calling, as we respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ through discipleship, worship and mission.

New releases from Methodist Publishing and other products of interest to Methodists can be found here.

The Methodist Church Learning Network 

The role of the Learning Network is to equip and resource the Church through a wide range of learning and development opportunities. The Learning Network works together connexionally, on national projects, and in regional teams, in delivering regional training and learning events. 


Prayers and news from the Methodist Church.

Listen to a prayer:   0808 281 2514

Listen to news:        0808 281 2478

Content is updated every Thursday afternoon.


Please be aware that unfortunately in these uncertain and difficult times when we may be more vulnerable than normal, there are people who are taking advantage of our desire to communicate with one another via social media. Other routes used include cold calls on your phone, text messages or emails, and bogus websites. The following websites have advice on recognising and reporting scams, and what to do if you think you have fallen prey to a scam.

Recent scams include recorded messages purporting to be regarding misuse of your online shopping account or internet service. Please hang up immediately and use call blocking if you have it (1572). Others try to get bank account or card details by purporting to be from warranty firms for white goods extending your protection or warranty. Some are calls impersonating the NHS, well-known government organisations, or law enforcement agencies - these will not call by phone or text and will never ask for bank or card details.

If someone you don't know contacts you by phone, text, email, social media, or at your home unexpectedly
CHALLENGE - Could it be fake? It’s OK to reject, refuse or ignore any requests that don’t feel right.
DECLINE - Do NOT respond to electronic messages by following links or recorded phone messages by pressing numbers. NEVER give out personal information such as bank details, bank card numbers, passport numbers, NHS numbers, National Insurance numbers or passwords.
CHECK - Only use official websites, postal addresses or phone numbers to contact people if you are unsure - do NOT use the contact details provided by those you are suspicious of.
REPORT - Let someone know. Especially if you believe you've become a victim of fraud, or you can stop someone else becoming a victim.

UK Government - Avoid and report internet scams and phishing

Citizens Advice - Check if something might be a scam

Age UK - Scams and fraud

National Cyber Security Centre:
If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, forward it to Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to the number 7726 which is free of charge.

Action Fraud:
If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or identity theft, you should report this directly to Action Fraud either online; or via phone 0300 123 2040.

If you have any information relating to vaccine fraud you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting Crimestoppers COVID Fraud Hotline online; or phone 0800 587 5030.