
There are a variety of Worship opportunities at Temple, with the main service at 10.30am on a Sunday.

Worship includes the following ...

A children's corner while the morning service takes place.

Cake and conversation on the 2nd Sunday of the month, there is an informal gathering with the chance to share, learn and chat over a drink and a cake at 5.00pm in the Hall.

On the 3rd Sunday of the month, a service of Holy Communion held at 9.00am in the Chapel followed by a breakfast. 

Every Wednesday at 12.15pm a short Midweek Service held in the Chapel (lasting about 20 minutes).

The Circuit also offer a Streamed Service at 9.30 am each Sunday, taken by one of our other circuit worship leaders, and we hold a Zoom Meeting at 6.30 pm on a Sunday twice monthly.
Contact enquiries@templetaunton.uk for details on joining in.

Please see the Upcoming Services , This Week's Service and Home Worship
Some links to sites offering resources for worship can be found on the Circuit Plan page.

The current senior steward, who leads a team of 6 church stewards, is Hazel Jordan.