Previous Services & Sermons

Below are extracts from recent services and sermons given at Temple.
Please note recordings may not include all content as all permissions may not have been obtained, and we do not have copyright permissions to include music on our website (links may have additional permissions).

(see also This Week's Service and Home Worship pages for worship contributions)

There are recent services recorded at Rowbarton on their website Preaching Plan and Recent Service Recordings page. The circuit has been worshipping together using these services which are livestreamed  Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.

Sunday 1st December 2024

Ildiko Harazsti, Sunday 1st December, Circuit (V)
Rev Deborah Kirk, Sunday 1st December, Temple (A)

Hymns: Light this flame, let it shine
StF169 Come, thou long-expected Jesus
StF183 Praise to the God who clears the way
StF173 Into the darkness of this world
StF594 Lord Jesus Christ
StF188 There’s a light upon the mountain

Readings:  Jeremiah 33: 14-16
1 Peter 2: 9
1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13
Luke 21: 25-36

Lectionary for 1st Sunday in Advent                    

Jeremiah 33: 14-16, Psalm 25: 1-10, 1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13, Luke 21: 25-36

Sunday 24th November 2024

Ildiko Harazsti, Sunday 24th November, Circuit (V)
Merlyn Brown, Sunday 24th November, Temple (A)

Hymns: StF 347: Crown Him with many crowns
StF 331: King of Kings, majesty
StF 333: Majesty, worship his majesty
StF 255: The kingdom of God
StF 545: Be thou my vision

Reading:  Psalm 93
John 18: 33-38a

Lectionary for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time                    

2 Samuel 23: 1-7, Psalm 132: 1-12 (13-18), Revelation 1: 4b-8, John 18: 33-37

Sunday 17th November 2024

Rev Annie Deche, Sunday 17th November, Circuit (V)
Rev Deborah Kirk, Sunday 17th November, Temple (A)

Hymns: StF107: I sing the almighty power of God
StF92: Think of a world without any flowers
StF158: Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders
StF398: There's a spirit in the air
StF103: God is Love, let heaven adore him

Reading:  Matthew 25: 31-40

Video  clips: A Grateful Day with Brother David Steindl-Rast
The Bible In 50 Words

Lectionary for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time,
1 Samuel 1: 4-20, Canticle: 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, Hebrews 10: 11-14, (15-18), 19-25,
Mark 13: 1-8

V - Youtube/Vimeo video link, A - MP3/M4A audio, D - PDF document
StF - Singing The Faith, MP - Mission Praise, H&P - Hymns & Psalms
MWB - Methodist Worship Book, CH - Church Hymnary, MHB - The Methodist Hymn Book
R&S - Rejoice and Sing

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