
To Protect Each Other - HANDS FACE SPACE

The Government legal restrictions in England which have protected us from COVID have have been lifted.
Please refer to the Government COVID website for changes in other regions.
Personal and collective responsibility have replaced  Government restrictions.
Government guidance can be found  at  Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread
There are still restrictions and different guidance in place for staff, patients and residents in health and social care settings COVID-19: management of staff and exposed patients or residents in health and social care settings

From 21st February:

From 24th February:

From 24th March:

From 1st April:

Continue to wash hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water.
Use hand sanitiser where soap and water are not available.
Where possible wash hands before and after each activity.
Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily.

Think about wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces or in crowded areas.
Wearing a mask primarily protects others.
Wash or sanitise hands before and after handling face covering.
Avoid touching your face or face covering.
Wash or replace face coverings regularly.

Think about your interactions with others.
Think about meeting outdoors, increasing ventilation indoors, minimising the number proximity and duration of social contacts, avoiding crowded places.

Show consideration to others.
Some may have greater anxiety or be struggling with the situation.
Support one another.

Before you leave home ask yourself
" Do I have any Coronavirus symptoms ? "
a high temperature
a new, continuous cough
a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
If you do, please stay at home and get a test or get medical advice.

For further information see links below.
Please be aware that you may not have severe or indeed any of these symptoms but may still have Coronavirus, and that new variants mean the vaccine may not give full protection.
Protect others- Hands Face Space

As a caring church we are aware of the concerns of our congregation, community, country and world at large regarding the current coronavirus outbreak. We wish to support those in need of reassurance and our prayers (see our Prayer Page). Please use the telephone number or email at the foot of the page if you need to contact us.

Please note although some church services and group activities have restarted they will be operating in line with Methodist Church and Government guidance during the coronavirus outbreak to reduce the risk of infection. Also not all services and activities that happened before the pandemic have restarted just yet. You can catch up on services on our Previous Services & Sermons page. You can also join in worship from home via a number of other websites including Wesley's Chapel and Westminster Central Hall or use the Methodist Church resources found on our Home Worship page. Worship material from Temple can be found on the This Week's Service and Prayer pages. You can also keep in touch with our friends at Taunton URC and St John's.

Below are some links which give information regarding guidance to churches from the Methodist Church, information from the UK government, NHS/Public Health England, local government, and charities.

The Methodist Church regularly issues guidance and resources such as attending church, welcoming people, worship & communion, pastoral concerns, and events such as weddings and funerals.

The Methodist Church Coronavirus Guidance and Resources

The UK government provides up to date information on how to stay safe, testing, employment, schools, housing, travel, care and support, and vaccination.

UK government Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage (main webpage)

Test and trace what to do if you think you have symptoms

Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread

Get Coronavirus Support as a Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Person

COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

NHS advice on reducing the risk of contracting coronavirus

NHS advice and information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)


NHS advice and information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination

Coronavirus Vaccination 

Useful websites

NHS 111

Citizens Advice

Taunton Foodbank

Age UK

MIND Mental Health Charity

Somerset West & Taunton Council Local Advice & Information including how to get support

Somerset County Council Local Advice & Information including how to get support